Families and Students,
In partnership with LTS and the ViSSTA program, Northampton County Public Schools began offering weekly COVID-19 testing on Friday, January 28, 2022. This first Friday was limited to staff and faculty participation only. The testing is 100% voluntary and requires the adult looking to have their student participate to register using the portal link below.Families are now able to scan the QR code below or navigate to https://exovavatesting.com/ the website to register. At the end of the registration process, there is the opportunity to review the consent form and sign electronically. Consent forms must be signed in order to be tested. An up-to-date email address that you check regularly will also need to be provided during the registration process. All students will be pulled up in the portal to test during the school day. A parent or guardian must sign and submit the consent form but will not have to be present during testing. Please see the attached letter for more information.
NCPS Offers COVID -19 Testing to Students
January 31, 2022