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Leo Owens
Student Mentor
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 4104
Erika Peterson
Spanish Teacher
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 4250
Taikala Phillips-Reid
Behavior Support Aide
Northampton Middle School
Deirdre Purcell
ESL Teacher
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 4240
Glen Richardson
Art Teacher
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 4230
Barbrielle Rogers
FACS Teacher
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 4103
Haley Scavotto
Guidance Counselor
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 5104
Amy Silva
Special Education Teacher
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 5420
Mervin Smith
Civics Teacher
Northampton Middle School
Angela Smith
Business Teacher
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 4190
Wendy Tankard
Cafeteria Worker
Northampton Middle School
Charity Thomas
Math Teacher
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 4440
Justin Wheeler
Northampton Middle School
757-678-5151 ext 5101