2024-2025 Pre-Kindergarten Registration


What is Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI)?

VPI is a free full-day Pre-K program for all at-risk four-year-olds who reside in Northampton County. Students enrolled in the VPI PreK program participate in engaging, language-rich, and developmentally appropriate learning experiences that build their foundational academic and social-emotional skills and assist in preparing students for Kindergarten. The program is available  Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am- 3:30 pm.

The following criteria should be considered before completing the application for enrollment:

  • Your child must be 4 years old by September 30, 2024 (no exceptions).

  • You must live within the boundaries of the Northampton County Public Schools attendance zone.

  • You must be available to put your child on the bus and pick him or her up from the bus daily.

  • You must comply with attendance guidelines outlined for all county students. 

  • An up-to-date physical and record of immunization must be provided.

  • Proof of 911, child's birth certificate and verification of income must be provided.

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance into the VPI program is determined on eligibility criteria and identified risk factors, not on a first- come , first-served basis. Risk factors include, but are not limited to; family income, level of parent/ legal guardian education, housing concerns or homelessness, and special needs or disability.

Questions: Office of Student Services-April Etheridge (757) 678-5151 ext: 2404 or aetheridge@ncpsk12.com

DIvision Boundaries

PreK Pic

Selections and Notifications

Selections and notifications for the 2024-2025 VPI Program take place the second week of July 2024.  Notifications will be sent via the email provided on the submitted application.

2024-2025 VPI Applications

Open registration begins April 17th at Occohannock Elementary School and April 18th at Kiptopeke Elementary School from 2:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Open enrollment will be available through each elementary school through June 30, 2024.

Apply Online At:

English/Spanish Version

Printable Application:

Link to English Application

Link to Spanish Application

Kiptopeke Elementary School

Address: 24023 Fairview Road - Cape Charles, VA 23310

Phone: (757) 678-5151 ext: 6103

Occohannock Elementary School

Address: 4208 Seaside Road- Exmore, VA 23350

Phone: (757) 678-5151 ext: 8103