Current & Historic Budget Documents
Here you will find files pertaining to budget development for the coming school year, as well as previous Proposed Budgets, Informational Hearings, and Adopted Budgets since the 2010-11 school year.
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors.
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors.
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board and has been submitted to the County Board of Supervisors for consideration.
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 8, 2021.
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on March 30, 2021, and has been submitted to the County Board of Supervisors for consideration.
2020-21 Adopted Budget
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 23, 2020.
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board and was submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on March 12, 2020 for consideration.
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 11, 2019.
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board and was submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on March 15, 2019 for consideration.
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 18, 2018.
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board and was submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on March 16, 2018 for consideration.
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 14, 2017.
2017-18 Proposed Budget (PDF - 2.00 MB)
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on March 14, 2017 and was submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on March 17, 2017 for consideration.
2016-17 Adopted Budget (PDF - 9.25 MB)
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 14, 2016.
2016-17 Proposed Budget (PDF - 15.39 MB)
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on February 25, 2016 and was submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on February 29, 2016 for consideration.
2015-16 Adopted Budget (PDF - 9.26 MB)
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on May 26, 2015.
Presentation from the Public Information Hearing on 2-3-15 (PDF - 1.98 MB)
Attached are the slides shown at the Public Informational Hearing held on February 3, 2015 in the auditorium of Northampton High School.
2015-16 Proposed Budget (PDF - 13.89 MB)
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on January 12, 2014 and submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on January 15, 2015 for consideration.
FY 2016 Capital Funding Request (PDF - 343 KB)
This document is an accompaniment to the 2015-16 School Board's Proposed Budget, and contains detail on the availability of funds for capital expenditures and a request for an appropriation of funds to complete nine capital projects. This document also includes updated funding schedules through Fiscal Year 2018.
2014-15 Adopted Budget (PDF - 1.67 MB)
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on May 27, 2014.
Presentation from the Public Information Hearing on the 2014-2015 Proposed Budget (PDF - 892 KB)
Attached are the slides shown at the Public Informational Hearing held on February 27, 2014 in the Media Center at Kiptopeke Elementary School.
2014-15 Proposed Budget (PDF - 2.72 MB)
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on December 30, 2013 and was submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on December 31, 2013 for consideration.
Report of Capital Needs (12/31/13) (PDF - 2.69 MB)
This document is an accompaniment to the 2014-15 School Board's Proposed Budget, and contains detail on the availability of funds for capital expenditures and the significant capital needs anticipated during the 2014-15 school year. Also, this document includes the Capital Improvement Plan that was adopted on March 16, 2011 and the results of a Feasibility Study performed by Dills Architects to assess the need for and potential cost of renovations/ rebuilding the Northampton High/Middle School Complex.
2013-14 Adopted Budget (PDF - 1.48 MB)
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 18, 2013.
2013-14 Proposed Budget (PDF - 1.48 MB)
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on March 27, 2013 and submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on March 29, 2013 for consideration.
Presentation from the Public Information Hearing on the 2013-2014 Proposed Budget (PPTX - 455 KB)
Attached are the slides shown at the Public Informational Hearing held on April 17, 2013 in the conference room at the School Administration Building.
2012-2013 Adopted Budget (PDF - 1.72 MB)
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect funding adjustments made during budget development. The adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 12, 2012.
2012-2013 Proposed Budget (PDF - 1.35 MB)
The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on March 28, 2012 and submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on March 30, 2012 for consideration.
Presentation from the Public Information Hearing on the 2012-2013 Proposed Budget (PDF - 307 KB)
Attached are the slides shown at the Public Informational Hearing held on April 17, 2012 in the conference room at the School Administration Building.
2011-2012 Adopted Budget (PDF - 1.04 MB)
The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect a lower level of County funding that was requested in the Proposed Budget. The Original Adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on May 23, 2011. Additional appropriations and categorical transfers were requested by the School Board and were later approved by the County Board of Supervisors. This document reflects all changes approved through July 14, 2011.
2011-2012 Proposed Budget (PDF - 959 KB) The proposed budget was approved by the NCPS School Board on March 30, 2011 and submitted to the County Board of Supervisors on April 1, 2011 for consideration.
Presentation from the Public Information Hearing on the 2011-2012 Proposed Budget (PPTX - 181 KB)
Attached are the slides shown at the Public Informational Hearing held on April 13, 2011 in the Auditorium of Northampton High School.
2010-2011 Adopted Budget (PDF - 2.22 MB) The adopted budget is the result of collaboration between the NCPS School Board and the County Board of Supervisors to reflect a lower level of County funding that was requested in the Proposed Budget. The Original Adopted budget was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on June 28, 2010. Additional categorical transfers were requested by the School Board on July 23, 2010 and were approved by the County Board of Supervisors on August 10, 2010. This document reflects all changes approved through August 10, 2010.