Frequently Used Forms & Templates

Direct Deposit Form
Use to make changes to the accounts or amounts of your direct deposit.

Federal Tax Form W-4
Use to make changes to your Federal tax exemptions and additional withholdings.

           NOTE:  For FAQ's related to filling out the new W-4, visit:
               (published in 2019)

                        For maximum accuracy, the IRS encourages the use of the Tax Withholding
                        Estimator to complete Form W-4, which is available at

Virginia Tax Form VA-4
Use to make changes to your State tax exemptions and additional withholdings.

Timesheet - Hourly Employees 
This form should be used by all employees paid based on an hourly rate.

Timesheet - Classified Employees 
This form should be used by all employees paid on a Classified salary scale. Salary scales can be found on the Human Resources tab of the NCPS Website.

Timesheet - Employees Working Multiple or Alternative Positions (new FY 21)
This form should be used by employees who are under a salaried work agreement with NCPS who are working in more than one position during the day, as well as employees who may have been assigned alternative duties that are different from their typical assignment.  

Pay Stub Explanation
Please review for more information regarding the layout of NCPS Pay Stubs.

Budget Appropriation Change Form 
Use to submit requests to transfer budgets between line items and to request additional appropriations.

Journal Entry Request Form
Use to submit requests to reclassify revenues & expenditures that have already been processed.

Travel Reimbursement Request
May be used to submit reimbursement requests for District-related travel.

Travel Pre-Approval Form
This form is to be used to summarize travel expenditures for trips expected to cost over $500, which must be approved in advance by the Superintendent.

Travel Advance Request
Use to request an advance of funds for District-related travel. Requires Central Office approval.

District Credit Card Summary 
To be used by Administrators when submitting monthly credit card statements.

Special Pay Plan Account Setup Form
Employees who have payouts going into the Special Pay Plan (see Reg GCBC-R) should use this form to designate their beneficiary.

Sample Forms
This is a file of the sample completed Travel Forms & Timesheets for employee reference.

Sick Leave Transfer Request Form
For NCPS employees to use to transfer sick leave days into their NCPS Leave account from another Virginia School Division.