ChatGPT and Powerful/Useful Websites

As educators, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its implications can be scary. But remember, anything new can be frightening, like the feeling of riding your bike without training wheels for the first time. However, we cannot avoid the inevitable changes brought about by new inventions and tools in our lives. Instead of being afraid, let's embrace these changes, learn about them, and use them to enhance our teaching methods and capabilities.

What is it?

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a type of software that provides answers to queries. Unlike Google, which presents a variety of search results and options, AI such as ChatGTP provides specific answers to the question asked. For instance, if you search for a DOK level 2 question on the solar system, Google will display a DOK chart and other relevant options. On the other hand, ChatGTP will provide an accurate response to the exact query, providing a DOK level 2 question on the solar system. ChatGTP is one of several AI options, and it has been made public to everyone since December 2022. Its capabilities are continually evolving and changing. To convey the impact that AI will have on our daily lives, one could compare it to the difference between encyclopedias, thesaurus, and dictionaries versus Google. Take a look at this informative website to learn about AI.

How to use it in class....FIRST WE MUST TEACH ETHICS

We must teach our students the right way to use AI. Alternatively, by nature, this will lead to us teaching them the wrong way. Therefore, how you present it is imperative as to which message they hear. We must teach them the importance of avoiding plagiarism as well as the difference between authentic work and paraphrased plagiarism that has been altered to pass plagiarism checkers. When you introduce this as a tool to use as you would, please be very strategic in how you present its abilities to steer students in the direction of authentic work.

How can it help educators?

How can ChatGPT help teachers? ----> Try it out for yourself.

  1. Click on this link--> ChatGPT

  2. Select "Try ChatGPT" on the left side ---> sign up--> continue with google. (It will ask for your phone number for a verification text)

  3. There is a search box at the bottom as the above picture illustrates.

What does it look like?


How to ask questions to ChatGPT

Be very specific and correctly word what you are asking.

  1. Try typing in this question or one similar in relation to the content you teach "What are some possible Bell Ringers for the Virginia SOL on inner planets?"

    1. As you will note, some of them are not "Bell Ringers/Anticipatory Sets" however, they still provide you with some great ideas to generate your lessons.

  2. Lets continue to FA: Try typing in "What is the best formative assessment tool to use for a lesson plan that is designed with stations based on Blooms Levels?"

  3. You will notice that it provides you with a few options, but maybe you don't see what peaks your interest. Try typing in "What are the best 25 best practice Formative assessment strategies?"

Examples of how to explain a concept

In the scenario of a new teacher, or a veteran who is teaching an unfamiliar content or grade level.

  • Ask ChatGPT --> How to explain the concept of photosynthesis to 3rd graders.

  • Then ask --> How to explain the concept of photosynthesis to 12th graders.

You will see the difference in content level.

Ideas for lesson plans

In the scenario of a teacher planning a lesson.

  • Ask ChatGPT --> What is a good lesson plan for teaching the model of an atom to 6th graders using Virginia SOLs ?

  • Ask ChatGPT -->What is a good lesson plan for teaching the model of an atom to 12th graders using Virginia SOLs ?

You will see the difference in content level.

Ideas for questioning

In the scenario of a teacher planning parts of a lesson.

  • Ask ChatGPT --> What is an example of a DOK 2 question for Mitosis?

  • Ask ChatGTP-->What is an example of an essential question for a lesson plan on mitosis?

Your imagination is the limit as to how you can use AI.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is rapidly evolving and becoming integrated into our daily lives, and the possibilities are endless. Here's an important tip: your students have likely jumped on this bandwagon and fully utilize AI to their advantage. So instead of being left in the dust, it's important to work with it and stay up-to-date with this new technology.

How to counter AI

Unlawful use of AI

Plagiarism is illegal. An example of unlawful plagiarism would be to ask ChatGPT to "Write a 3rd-grade level essay on the solar system." After receiving the essay, running it through a plagiarism detector, and using a paraphrasing program like Quillbot to replace the marked plagiarized phrases.

This method can make the assignment appear authentic and may go unnoticed by educators. However, it is essential to understand that this is a form of cheating and is not a viable or ethical way to complete an assignment.

Detection of counterfeit student work.

If the student has not taken the steps listed in the previous section, "Unlawful use of AI," it is advisable to run their work through a plagiarism detector like You can find other recommended plagiarism detectors in the link below.

Plagiarism Detectors

Other Great AI Resources